If you’re anything like me, you’ve been the type to spend $20-60 on a cat bed only for them to never touch it and find comfort in boxes instead. The thing about this is that allowing him to limit himself to just a box contradicts my always wanting the best for Gibson. Although it's funny and cute to see him enjoy every box that comes in and out of the house, I'd much rather see him truly enjoy and find comfort in a bed that he can call his own! That is why many attempts to find a pet bed have been made and yet failed... until now.

The Review
I’ve actually never ever had a cat that has actually liked or used a plush/fluffy bed that I’ve brought home which is why I felt just as doubtful when I came across @formerfibres beds. I won’t lie, I didn’t purchase this. We won it from a giveaway @purrseal had and boy... we are sure glad we did! When Kylie, owner and founder of the company, had asked if I had wanted his name engraved in the bed I almost said no because I figured that this bed would soon be another giveaway item. Even when we received the bed, Gibson went right in the box that the bed came in. Right away I was like, “yup, another bed to go unused... I KNEW IT". Even comments from those who follow us as we posted about receiving this bed saw Gibson go from the bed to the box and said, "figured he'd go for the box!". Lots of us out there are in need of a pet bed that is actually used!
The night the bed arrived he became one with it and over the course of just a few short weeks we officially concluded that he made this bed one of his top 3 napping spots in our small apartment. I gave it a few weeks because still, I was in disbelief of him using it long term but it’s now been since November 3rd and he’s consistently been using it to this day! It’s totally bittersweet as he used to sleep on the bed with us at night but now instead prefers HIS bed. This is HUGE. He still will cuddle his way into my arms in the morning but with a baby on the way we are sure happy he’s now got a bed to call his own. It’ll make the transition of getting up all throughout the night much easier on him. Often when I see him in his bed I feel so happy because I know that he's reached max comfort and now understands how us humans feel when we crawl into our bed at the end of a very long day.
There is a reason why Gibson and so many other cats should have a Former Fibres pet bed and I'd much rather you educate yourselves on why this bed has been successful for us and can be for you as well. If has a lot to do with the material and fibre/stuffing used in the bed and if you go to this link here, Kylie of Former Fibres will explain in detail why all your attempts to give comfort to your cat have not been successful ones and why her beds are the answer to your failed attempts at providing optimal comfort for your cat(s).
Caring & Cleaning for a Former Fibres Pet Bed
Caring and cleaning for this bed is pretty simple. On the bottom of the bed there is a zipper giving you access to the special fibre inside which is called Kapok (see photo below). Kapok fibre is "environmentally friendly, lightweight, non-allergenic, non-toxic, naturally anti-bacterial, resistant to rot, and odourless". You can remove the filling as it's not required to be washed and wash the cover alone.

Over time, the bed will press down (just as a pillow does when you sleep and use it over time) but the great thing about this fibre is that there are ways to fluff it back up (um, can we get human pillows using this fibre?!)! You can easily break apart the fibres by fluffing it up yourself. In the summer, you can rely on sun's UV rays to do the work for you in disinfecting the cover and fluffing the bed back up (how cool is this?!). Alternatively during the winter you can toss it in the dryer on low for 30 minutes with dryer or tennis balls to bring that fluff back.
You'll want to head to @formerfibres on Instagram for more in-depth care and cleaning instructions under the "Care & Clean" highlight. Want more information on this product and how it's eco-friendly? Kylie also has a highlight labeled "Eco Mindful" that you can check out.

Final Thoughts
Just a quick disclosure before we end with one quick note: we in no way partner with Former Fibres nor are sponsored by them. We do, however, unapologetically and highly encourage you to take one last chance on your hunt for a cat bed that will work for you and your fur babe. Allow your feline best to take the leap from BOX to BED so that they can live like the queen or king they are.
How to Find Former Fibres
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/formerfibres/?hl=en
Email - Formerfibres@gmail.com
Keywords: #FormerFibres #ecofriendly #ecofriendlypet #upcycledfabric #upcycled #catbedreview #catproductreview #catblogger #catblog #catcomfort #catreviews #catproducts #allaboutcats
Thanks so much for taking the time to read. I'd love to hear your thoughts on your experiences with pet beds (and mostly just the frustration you've felt as you relate with us on spending so much money on cat beds only for them to not be used)! Feel free to message me on Instagram, email me, or drop a comment below (just note that I cannot comment back but always read what you write).
xx Sarah & Gibson
For cat owners, a cozy cat bed is equally important. Cats love to curl up and nap in warm, inviting spots. A eco-friendly cat beds can also help to deter them from scratching furniture.
So, if you're looking for a way to show your furry friend some love, invest in a comfy pet bed! They'll thank you for it.
Thank you Sarah & Gibson for this review! Harry & Ron actually love and use the gigantic beds they have from the Humane Society Int’l but this product looks really well made and possibly better for Harry who is allergic to almost everything.